Locations & Expressions¶
Céu specifies locations and expressions as follows:
Exp ::= NUM | STR | null | true | false
| `(´ Exp `)´
| Exp <binop> Exp
| <unop> Exp
| Exp is Type
| Exp as Type
| Exp as `/´(nohold|plain|pure)
| `&´ (Nat_Call | Loc)
| `&&´ Loc
| Loc [`?´]
| sizeof `(´ (Type|Exp) `)´
| Nat_Call | Code_Call
Loc ::= [`*´|`$´] Loc
| Loc { `[´Exp`]´ | (`:´|`.´) (ID_int|ID_nat) | `!´ }
| `(´ Loc [as (Type | `/´(nohold|plain|pure)) `)´
| ID_int
| ID_nat
| outer
| `{´ <code in C> `}´
/* Operator Precedence */
/* lowest priority */
// locations
* $
: . !
// expressions
is as // binops
!= == <= >= < >
<< >>
+ -
* / %
not + - ~ $$ // unops
/* highest priority */
Céu supports the arithmetic expressions addition, subtraction, modulo (remainder), multiplication, division, unary-plus, and unary-minus through the operators that follow:
+ - % * / + -
Céu supports the bitwise expressions not, and, or, xor, left-shift, and right-shift through the operators that follow:
~ & | ^ << >>
Céu supports the relational expressions equal-to, not-equal-to, greater-than, less-than, greater-than-or-equal-to, and less-than-or-equal-to through the operators that follow:
== != > < >= <=
Relational expressions evaluate to true or false.
Céu supports the logical expressions not, and, and or through the operators that follow:
not and or
Logical expressions evaluate to true or false.
Céu supports type checks and casts:
Check ::= Exp is Type
Cast ::= Exp as Type
Type Check¶
A type check evaluates to true or false depending on whether the runtime type of the expression is a subtype of the checked type or not.
The static type of the expression must be a supertype of the checked type.
data Aa;
data Aa.Bb;
var Aa a = <...>; // "a" is of static type "Aa"
if a is Aa.Bb then // is the runtime type of "a" a subtype of "Aa.Bb"?
Type Cast¶
A type cast converts the type of an expression into a new type as follows:
- The expression type is a data type:
- The new type is
: Evaluates to the type enumeration for the expression type. - The new type is a subtype of the expression static type:
- The expression runtime type is a subtype of the new type: Evaluates to the new type.
- Evaluates to error.
- The new type is a supertype of the expression static type: Always succeeds and evaluates to the new type. See also Dynamic Dispatching.
- Evaluates to error.
- The new type is
- Evaluates to the new type (i.e., a weak typecast, as in C).
var Direction dir = <...>;
_printf("dir = %d\n", dir as int);
var Aa a = <...>;
_printf("a.v = %d\n", (a as Aa.Bb).v);
var Media.Video vid = <...>;
await/dynamic Play(&m as Media);
var bool b = <...>;
_printf("b= %d\n", b as int);
Expressions that evaluate to native types can be modified as follows:
Mod ::= Exp as `/´(nohold|plain|pure)
Modifiers may suppress the requirement for resource finalization.
Céu supports aliases and pointers as references.
An alias is acquired by prefixing a native call
or a location with the operator &
Alias ::= `&´ (Nat_Call | Loc)
See also the unwrap operator !
for option variable aliases.
The operator &&
returns the address of a
location, while the operator *
a pointer:
Addr ::= `&&´ Loc
Deref ::= `*´ Loc
The operator ?
checks if the location of an
option type is set, while the operator !
unwraps the
location, raising an error if it is unset:
Check ::= Loc `?´
Unwrap ::= Loc `!´
A sizeof
expression returns the size of a type or expression, in bytes:
Sizeof ::= sizeof `(´ (Type|Exp) `)´
See Native Call and Code Invocation.
Céu uses square brackets to index vectors:
Vec_Idx ::= Loc `[´ Exp `]´
The index expression must be of type usize
Vectors start at index zero. Céu generates an error for out-of-bounds vector accesses.
The operator $
returns the current length of a vector, while the operator
returns the max length:
Vec_Len ::= `$´ Loc
Vec_Max ::= `$$´ Loc
TODO: max
The vector length can also be assigned:
vector[] int vec = [ 1, 2, 3 ];
$vec = 1;
The new length must be smaller or equal to the current length, otherwise the assignment raises a runtime error. The space for dynamic vectors shrinks automatically.
Vector constructors are only valid in assignments:
Vec_Cons ::= (Exp | `[´ [LIST(Exp)] `]´) { `..´ (Exp | Lua_Stmts | `[´ [LIST(Exp)] `]´) }
vector[3] int v; // declare an empty vector of length 3 (v = [])
v = v .. [8]; // append value '8' to the empty vector (v = [8])
v = v .. [1] .. [5]; // append values '1' and '5' to the vector (v = [8, 1, 5])
The operators .´ and
:´ specify fields of
data abstractions and
native structs:
Dot ::= Loc `.´ (ID_int|ID_nat)
Colon ::= Loc `:´ (ID_int|ID_nat)
The expression e:f
is a sugar for (*e).f
TODO: ID_nat to avoid clashing with Céu keywords.