
A program in Céu is a sequence of statements delimited by an implicit enclosing block:

Program ::= Block
Block   ::= {Stmt `;´} {`;´}

Note: statements terminated with the end keyword do not require a terminating semicolon.


nothing is an innocuous statement:

Nothing ::= nothing


A Block creates a new lexical scope for storage entities and abstractions, which are visible only for statements inside the block.

Compound statements (e.g. do-end, if-then-else, loops, etc.) create new blocks and can be nested to an arbitrary level.

do-end and escape

The do-end statement creates an explicit block with an optional identifier. The escape statement aborts the deepest enclosing do-end matching its identifier:

Do ::= do [`/´ (`_´|ID_int)]

Escape ::= escape [`/´ID_int] [Exp]

do-end supports the neutral identifier _ which is guaranteed not to match any escape statement.

A do-end can be assigned to a variable whose type must be matched by nested escape statements. The whole block evaluates to the value of a reached escape. If the variable is of option type, the do-end is allowed to terminate without an escape, otherwise it raises a runtime error.

Programs have an implicit enclosing do-end that assigns to a program status variable of type int whose meaning is platform dependent.


            escape;     // matches line 1
        escape/a;       // matches line 2
var int? v =
        if <cnd> then
            escape 10;  // assigns 10 to "v"
            nothing;    // "v" remains unassigned
escape 0;               // program terminates with a status value of 0


The pre-do-end statement prepends its statements in the beginning of the program:

Pre_Do ::= pre do

All pre-do-end statements are concatenated together in the order they appear and moved to the beginning of the top-level block, before all other statements.


A declaration introduces a storage entity to the enclosing block. All declarations are subject to lexical scope.

Céu supports variables, vectors, external events, internal events, and pools:

Var  ::= var [`&´|`&?´] Type LIST(ID_int [`=´ Cons])
Vec  ::= vector [`&´] `[´ [Exp] `]´ Type LIST(ID_int [`=´ Cons])
Ext  ::= input  (Type | `(´ LIST(Type) `)´) LIST(ID_ext)
      |  output (Type | `(´ LIST(Type) `)´) LIST(ID_ext)
Int  ::= event [`&´|`&?´] (Type | `(´ LIST(Type) `)´) LIST(ID_int [`=´ Cons])
Pool ::= pool [`&´] `[´ [Exp] `]´ Type LIST(ID_int [`=´ Cons])

Cons ::= /* (see "Assignments") */

Most declarations support an initialization assignment.


A variable declaration has an associated type and can be optionally initialized. A single statement can declare multiple variables of the same type. Declarations can also be aliases or option aliases.


var  int v = 10;    // "v" is an integer variable initialized to 10
var  int a=0, b=3;  // "a" and "b" are integer variables initialized to 0 and 3
var& int z = &v;    // "z" is an alias to "v"


A vector declaration specifies a dimension between brackets, an associated type and can be optionally initialized. A single statement can declare multiple vectors of the same dimension and type. Declarations can also be aliases.


var int n = 10;
vector[10] int vs1 = [];    // "vs1" is a static vector of 10 elements max
vector[n]  int vs2 = [];    // "vs2" is a dynamic vector of 10 elements max
vector[]   int vs3 = [];    // "vs3" is an unbounded vector
vector&[]  int vs4 = &vs1;  // "vs4" is an alias to "vs1"


An event declaration specifies a type for the values it carries when occurring. It can be also a list of types if the event communicates multiple values. A single statement can declare multiple events of the same type.

External Events


input  void A,B;        // "A" and "B" are input events carrying no values
output int  MY_EVT;     // "MY_EVT" is an output event carrying integer values
input (int,byte&&) BUF; // "BUF" is an input event carrying an "(int,byte&&)" pair

Internal Events

Declarations for internal events can also be aliases or option aliases. Only in this case they can be initialized.


event  void a,b;        // "a" and "b" are internal events carrying no values
event& void z = &a;     // "z" is an alias to event "a"
event (int,int) c;      // "c" is a internal event carrying an "(int,int)" pair


A pool declaration specifies a dimension and an associated type. A single statement can declare multiple pools of the same dimension and type. Declarations for pools can also be aliases. Only in this case they can be initialized.

The expression between the brackets specifies the dimension of the pool.


code/await Play (...) do ... end
pool[10] Play plays;        // "plays" is a static pool of 10 elements max
pool&[]  Play a = &plays;   // "a" is an alias to "plays"

TODO: data


Declarations for vectors or pools require an expression between brackets to specify a dimension as follows:

  • constant expression: Maximum number of elements is fixed and space is statically pre-allocated.
  • variable expression: Maximum number of elements is fixed but space is dynamically allocated. The expression is evaulated once at declaration time.
  • omitted: Maximum number of elements is unbounded and space is dynamically allocated. The space for dynamic dimensions grow and shrink automatically.


An assignment associates the statement or expression at the right side of the symbol = with the location(s) at the left side:

Assignment ::= (Loc | `(´ LIST(Loc|`_´) `)´) `=´ Sources

Sources ::= ( Do
            | Emit_Ext
            | Await
            | Watching
            | Thread
            | Lua_State
            | Lua_Stmts
            | Code_Await
            | Code_Spawn
            | Vec_Cons
            | Data_Cons
            | Exp
            | `_´ )

Céu supports the following constructs as assignment sources:

The anonymous identifier makes the assignment innocuous.

TODO: required for uninitialized variables

Copy Assignment

A copy assignment evaluates the statement or expression at the right side and copies the result(s) to the location(s) at the left side.

Alias Assignment

An alias assignment, aka binding, makes the location at the left side to be an alias to the expression at the right side.

The right side of a binding is always prefixed by the operator &.

Event Handling


The await statement halts the running trail until the specified event occurs. The event can be an input event, an internal event, a timer, a pausing event, or forever (i.e., never awakes):

Await ::= await (ID_ext | Loc) [until Exp]      /* events and option aliases */
       |  await (WCLOCKK|WCLOCKE)               /* timers */
       |  await (pause|resume)                  /* pausing events */
       |  await FOREVER                         /* forever */


await A;                  // awaits the input event "A"
await a until v==10;      // awaits the internal event "a" until the condition is satisfied

await 1min10s30ms100us;   // awaits the specified time
await (t)ms;              // awaits the current value of the variable "t" in milliseconds

await FOREVER;            // awaits forever

An await evaluates to zero or more values which can be captured with an optional assignment.


The await statement for events halts the running trail until the specified input event or internal event occurs. The await evaluates to a value of the type of the event.

The optional clause until tests an awaking condition. The condition can use the returned value from the await. It expands to a loop as follows:

loop do
    <ret> = await <evt>;
    if <Exp> then   // <Exp> can use <ret>


input int E;                    // "E" is an input event carrying "int" values
var int v = await E until v>10; // assigns occurring "E" to "v", awaking only when "v>10"

event (bool,int) e;             // "e" is an internal event carrying "(bool,int)" pairs
var bool v1;
var int  v2;
(v1,v2) = await e;              // awakes on "e" and assigns its values to "v1" and "v2"

Option Alias

The await statement for option variable aliases halts the running trail until the specified alias goes out of scope.

The await evaluates to no value.


var&? int x;
spawn Code() -> (&x);   // "x" is bounded to a variable inside "Code"
await x;                // awakes when the spawned "Code" terminates


The await statement for timers halts the running trail until the specified timer expires:

  • WCLOCKK specifies a constant timer expressed as a sequence of value/unit pairs.
  • WCLOCKE specifies an integer expression in parenthesis followed by a single unit of time.

The await evaluates to a value of type s32 and is the residual delta time (dt) measured in microseconds: the difference between the actual elapsed time and the requested time. The residual dt is always greater than or equal to 0.

If a program awaits timers in sequence (or in a loop), the residual dt from the preceding timer is reduced from the timer in sequence.


var int t = <...>;
await (t)ms;                // awakes after "t" milliseconds
var int dt = await 100us;   // if 1000us elapses, then dt=900us (1000-100)
await 100us;                // since dt=900, this timer is also expired, now dt=800us (900-100)
await 1ms;                  // this timer only awaits 200us (1000-800)


Pausing events are dicussed in Pausing.


The await statement for FOREVER halts the running trail forever. It cannot be used in assignments because it never evaluates to anything.


if v==10 then
    await FOREVER;  // this trail never awakes if condition is true


The emit statement broadcasts an event to the whole program. The event can be an external event, an internal event, or a timer:

Emit_Int ::= emit Loc [`(´ [LIST(Exp)] `)´]
Emit_Ext ::= emit ID_ext [`(´ [LIST(Exp)] `)´]
          |  emit (WCLOCKK|WCLOCKE)


emit A;         // emits the output event `A` of type "void"
emit a(1);      // emits the internal event `a` of type "int"

emit 1s;        // emits the specified time
emit (t)ms;     // emits the current value of the variable `t` in milliseconds


The emit statement for events expects the arguments to match the event type.

An emit to an input or timer event can only occur inside asynchronous blocks.

An emit to an output event is also an expression that evaluates to a value of type s32 and can be captured with an optional assignment (its meaning is platform dependent).

An emit to an internal event starts a new internal reaction.


input int I;
async do
    emit I(10);         // broadcasts "I" to the application itself, passing "10"

output void O;
var int ret = emit O(); // outputs "O" to the environment and captures the result

event (int,int) e;
emit e(1,2);            // broadcasts "e" passing a pair of "int" values


The emit statement for timers expects a timer expression.

Like input events, time can only be emitted inside asynchronous blocks.


async do
    emit 1s;    // broadcasts "1s" to the application itself




The if-then-else statement provides conditional execution in Céu:

If ::= if Exp then
       { else/if Exp then
           Block }
       [ else
           Block ]

Each condition Exp is tested in sequence, first for the if clause and then for each of the optional else/if clauses. On the first condition that evaluates to true, the Block following it executes. If all conditions fail, the optional else clause executes.

All conditions must evaluate to a value of type bool.


Céu supports simple loops, numeric iterators, event iterators, and pool iterators:

Loop ::=
      /* simple loop */
        loop [`/´Exp] do

      /* numeric iterator */
      | loop [`/´Exp] Numeric do

      /* event iterator */
      | every [(Loc | `(´ LIST(Loc|`_´) `)´) in] (ID_ext|Loc|WCLOCKK|WCLOCKE) do

      /* pool iterator */
      | loop [`/´Exp] [ `(´ LIST(Var) `)´ ] in Loc do

Break    ::= break [`/´ID_int]
Continue ::= continue [`/´ID_int]

Numeric ::= /* (see "Numeric Iterators") */

The body of a loop Block executes an arbitrary number of times, depending on the conditions imposed by each kind of loop.

Except for the every iterator, all loops support an optional constant expression `/´Exp that limits the maximum number of iterations to avoid infinite execution. If the number of iterations reaches the limit, a runtime error occurs.

break and continue

The break statement aborts the deepest enclosing loop.

The continue statement aborts the body of the deepest enclosing loop and restarts it in the next iteration.

The optional modifier `/´ID_int in both statements only applies to numeric iterators.

Simple Loop

The simple loop-do-end statement executes its body forever. The only way to terminate a simple loop is with the break statement.


// blinks a LED with a frequency of 1s forever
loop do
    emit LED(1);
    await 1s;
    emit LED(0);
    await 1s;
loop do
    loop do
        if <cnd-1> then
            break;      // aborts the loop at line 2 if <cnd-1> is satisfied
    if <cnd-2> then
        continue;       // restarts the loop at line 1 if <cnd-2> is satisfied

Numeric Iterator

The numeric loop executes its body a fixed number of times based on a numeric range for a control variable:

Numeric ::= (`_´|ID_int) in [ (`[´ | `]´)
                                  ( (     Exp `->´ (`_´|Exp))
                                  | (`_´|Exp) `<-´ Exp      ) )
                              (`[´ | `]´) [`,´ Exp] ]

The control variable assumes the values specified in the interval, one by one, for each iteration of the loop body:

  • control variable: ID_int is a read-only variable of a numeric type. Alternatively, the special anonymous identifier _ can be used if the body of the loop does not access the variable.
  • interval: Specifies a direction, endpoints with open or closed modifiers, and a step.

    • direction:
      • ->: Starts from the endpoint Exp on the left increasing towards Exp on the right.
      • <-: Starts from the endpoint Exp on the right decreasing towards Exp on the left. Typically, the value on the left is smaller or equal to the value on the right.
    • endpoints: [Exp and Exp] are closed intervals which include Exp as the endpoints; ]Exp and Exp[ are open intervals which exclude Exp as the endpoints. Alternatively, the finishing endpoint may be _ which means that the interval goes towards infinite.
    • step: An optional positive number added or subtracted towards the limit. If the step is omitted, it assumes the value 1. If the direction is ->, the step is added, otherwise it is subtracted.

    If the interval is not specified, it assumes the default [0 -> _].

A numeric iterator executes as follows:

  • initialization: The starting endpoint is assigned to the control variable. If the starting enpoint is open, the control variable accumulates a step immediately.

  • iteration:

    1. limit check: If the control variable crossed the finishing endpoint, the loop terminates.
    2. body execution: The loop body executes.
    3. step Applies a step to the control variable. Goto step 1.

The break and continue statements inside numeric iterators accept an optional modifier `/´ID_int to affect the enclosing loop matching the control variable.


// prints "i=0", "i=1", ...
var int i;
loop i do
    _printf("i=%d\n", i);
// awaits 1s and prints "Hello World!" 10 times
loop _ in [0 -> 10[ do
    await 1s;
    _printf("Hello World!\n");
var int i;
loop i do
    var int j;
    loop j do
        if <cnd-1> then
            continue/i;         // continues the loop at line 1
        else/if <cnd-2> then
            break/j;            // breaks the loop at line 4

Note : the runtime asserts that the step is a positive number and that the control variable does not overflow.

Event Iterator

The every statement iterates over an event continuously, executing its body whenever the event occurs.

The event can be an external or internal event or a timer.

The optional assignment to a variable (or list of variables) stores the carrying value(s) of the event.

An every expands to a loop as illustrated below:

every <vars> in <event> do

is equivalent to

loop do
    <vars> = await <event>;

However, the body of an every cannot contain synchronous control statements, ensuring that no occurrences of the specified event are ever missed.


every 1s do
    _printf("Hello World!\n");      // prints the "Hello World!" message on every second
event (bool,int) e;
var bool cnd;
var int  v;
every (cnd,v) in e do
    if not cnd then
        break;                      // terminates when the received "cnd" is false
        _printf("v = %d\n", v);     // prints the received "v" otherwise

Pool Iterator


Parallel Compositions

The parallel statements par/and, par/or, and par fork the running trail in multiple others:

Pars ::= (par | par/and | par/or) do
         { with
             Block }

Watching ::= watching LIST(ID_ext|Loc|WCLOCKK|WCLOCKE|Code_Cons_Init) do

The parallel statements differ only on how trails rejoin and terminate the composition.

The watching statement terminates when one of its specified events occur. It evaluates to what the occurring event value(s), which can be captured with an optional assignment.

See also Parallel Compositions and Abortion.


The par statement never rejoins.


// reacts continuously to "1s" and "KEY_PRESSED" and never terminates
input void KEY_PRESSED;
par do
    every 1s do
        <...>           // does something every "1s"
    every KEY_PRESSED do
        <...>           // does something every "KEY_PRESSED"


The par/and statement stands for parallel-and and rejoins when all nested trails terminate.


// reacts once to "1s" and "KEY_PRESSED" and terminates
input void KEY_PRESSED;
par/and do
    await 1s;
    <...>               // does something after "1s"
    await KEY_PRESSED;
    <...>               // does something after "KEY_PRESSED"


The par/or statement stands for parallel-or and rejoins when any of the trails terminate, aborting all other trails.


// reacts once to `1s` or `KEY_PRESSED` and terminates
input void KEY_PRESSED;
par/or do
    await 1s;
    <...>               // does something after "1s"
    await KEY_PRESSED;
    <...>               // does something after "KEY_PRESSED"


The watching statement accepts a list of events and terminates when any of them occur.

A watching expands to a par/or with n+1 trails: one to await each of the listed events, and one to execute its body, i.e.:

watching <e1>,<e2>,... do

expands to

par/or do
    await <e1>;
    await <e2>;


// reacts continuously to "KEY_PRESSED" during "1s"
input void KEY_PRESSED;
watching 1s do
    every KEY_PRESSED do
        <...>           // does something every "KEY_PRESSED"


The pause/if statement controls if its body should temporarily stop to react to events:

Pause_If ::= pause/if (Loc|ID_ext) do

Pause_Await ::= await (pause|resume)

A pause/if specifies a pausing event of type bool which, when emitted, toggles between pausing (true) and resuming (false) reactions for its body.

When its body terminates, the whole pause/if terminates and proceeds to the statement in sequence.

In transition instants, the body can react to the special pause and resume events before the corresponding state applies.

TODO: finalize/pause/resume


event bool e;
pause/if e do       // pauses/resumes the nested body on each "e"
    every 1s do
        <...>       // does something every "1s"
event bool e;
pause/if e do               // pauses/resumes the nested body on each "e"
        loop do
            await pause;
            <...>           // does something before pausing
            await resume;
            <...>           // does something before resuming

Asynchronous Execution

Asynchronous execution allow programs to departure from the rigorous synchronous model and preform computations under separate scheduling rules.

Céu supports asynchronous blocks, threads, and interrupt service routines:

Async  ::= await async [ `(´LIST(Var)`)´ ] do

Thread ::= await async/thread [ `(´LIST(Var)`)´ ] do

Isr ::= spawn async/isr `[´ LIST(Exp) `]´ [ `(´ LIST(Var) `)´ ] do

Atomic ::= atomic do

Asynchronous execution supports tight loops while keeping the rest of the application, aka the synchronous side, reactive to incoming events. However, it does not support any synchronous control statement (e.g., parallel compositions, event handling, pausing, etc.).

By default, asynchronous bodies do not share variables with their enclosing scope, but the optional list of variables makes them visible to the block.

Even though asynchronous blocks execute in separate, they are still managed by the program hierarchy and are also subject to lexical scope and abortion.

Asynchronous Block

Asynchronous blocks, aka asyncs, intercalate execution with the synchronous side as follows:

  1. Start/Resume whenever the synchronous side is idle. When multiple asyncs are active, they execute in lexical order.
  2. Suspend after each loop iteration.
  3. Suspend on every input emit (see Simulation).
  4. Execute atomically and to completion unless rules 2 and 3 apply.

This rules imply that asyncs never execute with real parallelism with the synchronous side, preserving determinism in the program.


// calculates the factorial of some "v" if it doesn't take too long
var u64  v   = <...>;
var u64  fat = 1;
var bool ok  = false;
watching 1s do
    await async (v,fat) do      // keeps "v" and "fat" visible
        loop i in [1 -> v] do   // reads from "v"
            fat = fat * i;      // writes to "fat"
    ok = true;                  // completed within "1s"


An async block can emit input and timer events towards the synchronous side, providing a way to test programs in the language itself. Every time an async emits an event, it suspends until the synchronous side reacts to the event (see rule 1 above).


input int A;

// tests a program with input simulation in parallel
par do

    // original program
    var int v = await A;
    loop i in [0 -> _[ do
        await 10ms;
        _printf("v = %d\n", v+i);


    // input simulation
    async do
        emit A(0);      // initial value for "v"
        emit 1s35ms;    // the loop in the original program executes 103 times
    escape 0;


// The example prints the message `v = <v+i>` exactly 103 times.


Threads provide real parallelism for applications in Céu. Once started, a thread executes completely detached from the synchronous side. For this reason, thread execution is non deterministic and require explicit atomic blocks on accesses to variables to avoid race conditions.

A thread evaluates to a boolean value which indicates whether it started successfully or not. The value can be captured with an optional assignment.


// calculates the factorial of some "v" if it doesn't take too long
var u64  v   = <...>;
var u64  fat = 1;
var bool ok  = false;
watching 1s do
    await async/thread (v,fat) do   // keeps "v" and "fat" visible
        loop i in [1 -> v] do       // reads from "v"
            fat = fat * i;          // writes to "fat"
    ok = true;                      // completed within "1s"

Asynchronous Interrupt Service Routine


Atomic Block

Atomic blocks provide mutual exclusion among threads, interrupts, and the synchronous side of application. Once an atomic block starts to execute, no other atomic block in the program starts.


// A "race" between two threads: one incrementing, the other decrementing "count".

var s64 count = 0;                              // "count" is a shared variable
par do
    every 1s do
        atomic do
            _printf("count = %d\n", count);     // prints current value of "count" every "1s"
    await async/thread (count) do
        loop do
            atomic do
                count = count - 1;              // decrements "count" as fast as possible
    await async/thread (count) do
        loop do
            atomic do
                count = count + 1;              // increments "count" as fast as possible

C Integration

Céu provides native declarations to import C symbols, native blocks to define new code in C, native statements to inline C statements, native calls to call C functions, and finalization to deal with C pointers safely:

Nat_Symbol ::= native [`/´(pure|const|nohold|plain)] `(´ List_Nat `)´
Nat_Block  ::= native `/´(pre|pos) do
                   <code definitions in C>
Nat_End    ::= native `/´ end

Nat_Stmts  ::= `{´ {<code in C> | `@´ Exp} `}´

Nat_Call   ::= [call] (Loc | `(´ Exp `)´)  `(´ [ LIST(Exp)] `)´

List_Nat ::= LIST(ID_nat)

Finalization ::= do [Stmt] Finalize
              |  var `&?´ Type ID_int `=´ `&´ (Call_Nat | Call_Code) Finalize
Finalize ::= finalize `(´ LIST(Loc) `)´ with
             [ pause  with Block ]
             [ resume with Block ]

Native calls and statements transfer execution to C, losing the guarantees of the synchronous model. For this reason, programs should only resort to C for asynchronous functionality (e.g., non-blocking I/O) or simple struct accessors, but never for control purposes.

TODO: Nat_End

Native Declaration

In Céu, any identifier prefixed with an underscore is a native symbol defined externally in C. However, all external symbols must be declared before their first use in a program.

Native declarations support four modifiers as follows:

  • const: declares the listed symbols as constants. Constants can be used as bounded limits in vectors, pools, and numeric loops. Also, constants cannot be assigned.
  • plain: declares the listed symbols as plain types, i.e., types (or composite types) that do not contain pointers. A value of a plain type passed as argument to a function does not require finalization.
  • nohold: declares the listed symbols as non-holding functions, i.e., functions that do not retain received pointers after returning. Pointers passed to non-holding functions do not require finalization.
  • pure: declares the listed symbols as pure functions. In addition to the nohold properties, pure functions never allocate resources that require finalization and have no side effects to take into account for the safety checks.


// values
native/const  _LOW, _HIGH;      // Arduino "LOW" and "HIGH" are constants
native        _errno;           // POSIX "errno" is a global variable

// types
native/plain  _char;            // "char" is a "plain" type
native        _SDL_PixelFormat; // SDL "SDL_PixelFormat" is a type holding a pointer

// functions
native        _uv_read_start;   // Libuv "uv_read_start" retains the received pointer
native/nohold _free;            // POSIX "free" receives a pointer but does not retain it
native/pure   _strlen;          // POSIX "strlen" is a "pure" function

Native Block

A native block allows programs to define new external symbols in C.

The contents of native blocks is copied unchanged to the output in C depending on the modifier specified:

  • pre: code is placed before the declarations for the Céu program. Symbols defined in pre blocks are visible to Céu.
  • pos: code is placed after the declarations for the Céu program. Symbols implicitly defined by the compiler of Céu are visible to pos blocks.

Native blocks are copied in the order they appear in the source code.

Since Céu uses the C preprocessor, hash directives # inside native blocks must be quoted as ## to be considered only in the C compilation phase.

If the code in C contains the terminating end keyword of Céu, the native block should be delimited with matching comments to avoid confusing the parser:

Symbols defined in native blocks still need to be declared for use in the program.


native/plain _t;
native/pre do
    typedef int t;              // definition for "t" is placed before Céu declarations
var _t x = 10;                  // requires "t" to be already defined
input void A;                   // declaration for "A" is placed before "pos" blocks
native _get_A_id;
native/pos do
    int get_A_id (void) {
        return CEU_INPUT_A;     // requires "A" to be already declared
native/nohold _printf;
native/pre do
    ##include <stdio.h>         // include the relevant header for "printf"
native/pos do
    char str = "This `end` confuses the parser";

Native Statement

The contents of native statements in between { and } are inlined in the program.

Native statements support interpolation of expressions in Céu which are expanded when preceded by the symbol @.


var int v_ceu = 10;
    int v_c = @v_ceu * 2;       // yields 20
v_ceu = { v_c + @v_ceu };       // yields 30
    printf("%d\n", @v_ceu);     // prints 30

Native Call

Locations and expressions that evaluate to a native type can be called from Céu.

If a call passes or returns pointers, it may require an accompanying finalization statement.


// all expressions below evaluate to a native type and can be called

_printf("Hello World!\n");

var _t f = <...>;

var _s s = <...>;

Resources & Finalization

A finalization statement unconditionally executes a series of statements when its associated block terminates or is aborted.

Céu tracks the interaction of native calls with pointers and requires finalize clauses to accompany the calls:

  • If Céu passes a pointer to a native call, the pointer represents a local resource that requires finalization. Finalization executes when the block of the local resource goes out of scope.
  • If Céu receives a pointer from a native call return, the pointer represents an external resource that requires finalization. Finalization executes when the block of the receiving pointer goes out of scope.

In both cases, the program does not compile without the finalize statement.

A finalize cannot contain synchronous control statements.


// Local resource finalization
watching <...> do
    var _buffer_t msg;
    <...>                       // prepares msg
    finalize with
    await SEND_ACK;             // transmission is complete

In the example above, the local variable msg is an internal resource passed as a pointer to _send_request, which is an asynchronous call that transmits the buffer in the background. If the enclosing watching aborts before awaking from the await SEND_ACK, the local msg goes out of scope and the external transmission would hold a dangling pointer. The finalize ensures that _send_cancel also aborts the transmission.

// External resource finalization
watching <...> do
    var&? _FILE f = &_fopen(<...>) finalize with
    _fwrite(<...>, f);
    await A;
    _fwrite(<...>, f);

In the example above, the call to _fopen returns an external file resource as a pointer. If the enclosing watching aborts before awaking from the await A, the file would remain open as a memory leak. The finalize ensures that _fclose closes the file properly.

To access an external resource from Céu requires an alias assignment to an option variable alias var&?. If the external call returns NULL, the alias remains unbounded.

Note: the compiler only forces the programmer to write finalization clauses, but cannot check if they handle the resource properly.

Declaration and expression modifiers may suppress the requirement for finalization in calls:

  • nohold modifiers or /nohold typecasts make passing pointers safe.
  • pure modifiers or /pure typecasts make passing pointers and returning pointers safe.
  • /plain typecasts make return values safe.


// "_free" does not retain "ptr"
native/nohold _free;
// or
(_free as /nohold)(ptr);
// "_strchr" does retain "ptr" or allocates resources
native/pure _strchr;
var _char&& found = _strchr(ptr);
// or
var _char&& found = (_strchr as /pure)(ptr);
// "_f" returns a non-pointer type
var _tp v = _f() as /plain;

Lua Integration

Céu provides Lua states to delimit the effects of inlined Lua statements:

Lua_State ::= lua `[´ [Exp] `]´ do
Lua_Stmts ::= `[´ {`=´} `[´
                  { {<code in Lua> | `@´ Exp} }
              `]´ {`=´} `]´

Lua statements transfer execution to Lua, losing the guarantees of the synchronous model. For this reason, programs should only resort to C for asynchronous functionality (e.g., non-blocking I/O) or simple struct accessors, but never for control purposes.

All programs have an implicit enclosing global Lua state which all orphan statements apply.

Lua State

A Lua state creates an isolated state for inlined Lua statements.


// "v" is not shared between the two statements
par do
    // global Lua state
    [[ v = 0 ]];
    var int v = 0;
    every 1s do
        [[print('Lua 1', v, @v) ]];
        v = v + 1;
        [[ v = v + 1 ]];
    // local Lua state
    lua[] do
        [[ v = 0 ]];
        var int v = 0;
        every 1s do
            [[print('Lua 2', v, @v) ]];
            v = v + 1;
            [[ v = v + 1 ]];

TODO: dynamic scope, assignment/error, [dim]

Lua Statement

The contents of Lua statements in between [[ and ]] are inlined in the program.

Like native statements, Lua statements support interpolation of expressions in Céu which are expanded when preceded by a @.

Lua statements only affect the Lua state in which they are embedded.

If a Lua statement is used in an assignment, it is evaluated as an expression that either satisfies the destination or generates a runtime error. The list that follows specifies the Céu destination and expected Lua source:

  • a var bool expects a boolean
  • a numeric var expects a number
  • a pointer var expects a lightuserdata
  • a vector byte expects a string

TODO: lua state captures errors


var int v_ceu = 10;
    v_lua = @v_ceu * 2          -- yields 20
v_ceu = [[ v_lua + @v_ceu ]];   // yields 30
    print(@v_ceu)               -- prints 30


Céu supports reuse with data declarations to define new types, and code declarations to define new subprograms.

Declarations are subject to lexical scope.


A data declaration creates a new data type:

Data ::= data ID_abs [as (nothing|Exp)] [ with
             { <var_dcl_set|vector_dcl_set|pool_dcl_set|event_dcl_set> `;´ {`;´} }
         end ]

Data_Cons ::= (val|new) Abs_Cons
Abs_Cons  ::= ID_abs `(´ LIST(Data_Cons|Vec_Cons|Exp|`_´) `)´

A declaration may pack fields with storage declarations which become publicly accessible in the new type. Field declarations may assign default values for uninitialized instances.

Data types can form hierarchies using dots (.) in identifiers:

  • An isolated identifier such as A makes A a base type.
  • A dotted identifier such as A.B makes A.B a subtype of its supertype A.

A subtype inherits all fields from its supertype.

The optional modifier as expects the keyword nothing or a constant expression of type int:

  • nothing: the data cannot be instantiated.
  • constant expression: typecasting a value of the type to int evaluates to the specified enumeration expression.


data Rect with
    var int x, y, h, w;
    var int z = 0;
var Rect r = val Rect(10,10, 100,100, _);  // "r.z" defaults to 0
data Dir       as nothing;  // "Dir" is a base type and cannot be intantiated
data Dir.Right as  1;       // "Dir.Right" is a subtype of "Dir"
data Dir.Left  as -1;       // "Dir.Left"  is a subtype of "Dir"
var  Dir dir = <...>;       // receives one of "Dir.Right" or "Dir.Left"
escape (dir as int);        // returns 1 or -1

TODO: new, pool, recursive types

Data Constructor

A new static value constructor is created in the contexts as follows:

  • Prefixed by the keyword val in an assignment to a variable.
  • As an argument to a code invocation.
  • Nested as an argument in a data creation (i.e., a data that contains another data).

In all cases, the arguments are copied to a destination with static storage. The destination must be a plain declaration (i.e., not an alias or pointer).

The constructor uses the data identifier followed by a list of arguments matching the fields of the type.

Variables of the exact same type can be copied in assignments.

For assignments from a subtype to a supertype, the rules are as follows:

data Object with
    var Rect rect;
    var Dir  dir;
var Object o1 = val Object(Rect(0,0,10,10,_), Dir.Right());
var Object o2 = o1;         // makes a deep copy of all fields from "o1" to "o2"


The code/tight and code/await declarations specify new subprograms that can be invoked from arbitrary points in programs:

// prototype declaration
Code_Tight ::= code/tight Mods ID_abs `(´ Params `)´ `->´ Type
Code_Await ::= code/await Mods ID_abs `(´ Params `)´ [`->´ `(´ Inits `)´] `->´ (Type | FOREVER)

// full declaration
Code_Impl ::= (Code_Tight | Code_Await) do

Mods ::= [`/´dynamic] [`/´recursive]

Params ::= void | LIST(Class [ID_int])
Class  ::= [dynamic] var   [`&´] [`/´hold] * Type
        |            vector `&´ `[´ [Exp] `]´ Type
        |            pool   `&´ `[´ [Exp] `]´ Type
        |            event  `&´ (Type | `(´ LIST(Type) `)´)

Inits ::= void | LIST(Class [ID_int])
Class ::= var    (`&´|`&?`) * Type
       |  vector (`&´|`&?`) `[´ [Exp] `]´ Type
       |  pool   (`&´|`&?`) `[´ [Exp] `]´ Type
       |  event  (`&´|`&?`) (Type | `(´ LIST(Type) `)´)

// invocation
Code_Call  ::= call  Mods Abs_Cons
Code_Await ::= await Mods Abs_Cons [`->´ `(´ LIST(`&´ Var) `)´])
Code_Spawn ::= spawn Mods Abs_Cons [`->´ `(´ LIST(`&´ Var) `)´]) [in Loc]

Mods ::= [`/´dynamic | `/´static] [`/´recursive]

A code/tight is a subprogram that cannot contain synchronous control statements and runs to completion in the current internal reaction.

A code/await is a subprogram with no restrictions (e.g., it can manipulate events and use parallel compositions) and its execution may outlive multiple reactions.

A prototype declaration specifies the interface parameters of the abstraction which invocations must satisfy. A full declaration (aka definition) also specifies an implementation with a block of code. An invocation specifies the name of the code abstraction and arguments matching its declaration.

To support recursive abstractions, a code invocation can appear before the implementation is known, but after the prototype declaration. In this case, the declaration must use the modifier /recursive.


code/tight Absolute (var int v) -> int do   // declares the prototype for "Absolute"
    if v > 0 then                           // implements the behavior
        escape  v;
        escape -v;
var int abs = call Absolute(-10);           // invokes "Absolute" (yields 10)
code/await Hello_World (void) -> FOREVER do
    every 1s do
        _printf("Hello World!\n");  // prints "Hello World!" every second
await Hello_World();                // never awakes
code/tight/recursive Fat (var int v) -> int;    // "Fat" is a recursive code
code/tight/recursive Fat (var int v) -> int do
    if v > 1 then
        escape v * (call/recursive Fat(v-1));   // recursive invocation before full declaration
        escape 1;
var int fat = call/recursive Fat(10);           // invokes "Fat" (yields 3628800)

TODO: hold

Code Declaration

Code abstractions specify a list of input parameters in between the symbols ( and ). Each parameter specifies a entity class with modifiers, a type and an identifier (optional in declarations). A void list specifies that the abstraction has no parameters.

Code abstractions also specify an output return type. A code/await may use FOREVER as output to indicate that it never returns.

A code/await may also specify an optional initialization return list, which represents local resources created in the outermost scope of its body. These resources are exported and bound to aliases in the invoking context which may access them while the code executes:

If the code does not terminate (i.e., return type is FOREVER), the initialization list specifies normal aliases &. Otherwise, since the code may terminate and deallocate the resource, the list must specify option aliases &?.


// "Open" abstracts "_fopen"/"_fclose"
code/await Open (var _char&& path) -> (var& _FILE res) -> FOREVER do
    var&? _FILE res_ = _fopen(path, <...>)  // allocates resource
                       finalize with
                           _fclose(res_!);  // releases resource
    res = &res_!;                           // exports resource to invoker
    await FOREVER;

var& _FILE res;                             // declares resource
spawn Open(<...>) -> (&res);                // initiliazes resource
<...>                                       // uses resource

Code Invocation

A code/tight is invoked with the keyword call followed by the abstraction name and list of arguments. A code/await is invoked with the keywords await or spawn followed by the abstraction name and list of arguments.

The list of arguments must satisfy the list of parameters in the code declaration.

The call and await invocations suspend the current trail and transfer control to the code abstraction. The invoking point only resumes after the abstraction terminates and evaluates to a value of its return type which can be captured with an optional assignment.

The spawn invocation also suspends and transfers control to the code abstraction. However, when the abstraction becomes idle (or terminates), the invoking point resumes. This makes the invocation point and a non-terminating abstraction to execute concurrently.

The spawn invocation accepts an optional list of aliases matching the initialization list from the code abstraction. These aliases are bound to local resources in the abstraction and can be accessed from the invocation point.

The spawn invocation also accepts an optional pool which provides storage and scope for invoked abstractions.

If the spawn provides the pool, the invocation evaluates to a boolean that indicates whether the pool has space to execute the code. The result can be captured with an optional assignment. If the pool goes out of scope, all invoked abstractions residing in that pool are aborted.

If the spawn omits the pool, the invocation always succeed and has the same scope as the invoking point: when the enclosing block terminates, the invoked code is also aborted.

Dynamic Dispatching

Céu supports dynamic code dispatching based on multiple parameters.

The modifier /dynamic in a declaration specifies that the code is dynamically dispatched. A dynamic code must have at least one dynamic parameter. Also, all dynamic parameters must be pointers or aliases to a data type in some hierarchy.

A dynamic declaration requires other compatible dynamic declarations with the same name, modifiers, parameters, and return type. The exceptions are the dynamic parameters, which must be in the same hierarchy of their corresponding parameters in other declarations.

To determine which declaration to execute during runtime, the actual argument runtime type is checked against the first formal dynamic parameter of each declaration. The declaration with the most specific type matching the argument wins. In the case of a tie, the next dynamic parameter is checked.

A catchall declaration with the most general dynamic types must always be provided.

If the argument is explicitly typecast to a supertype, then dispatching considers that type instead.


data Media as nothing;
data Media.Audio     with <...> end
data Media.Video     with <...> end
data Media.Video.Avi with <...> end

code/await/dynamic Play (dynamic var& Media media) -> void do
    _assert(0);             // never dispatched
code/await/dynamic Play (dynamic var& Media.Audio media) -> void do
    <...>                   // plays an audio
code/await/dynamic Play (dynamic var& Media.Video media) -> void do
    <...>                   // plays a video
code/await/dynamic Play (dynamic var& Media.Video.Avi media) -> void do
    <...>                                   // prepare the avi video
    await/dynamic Play(&m as Media.Video);  // dispatches the supertype

var& Media m = <...>;       // receives one of "Media.Audio" or "Media.Video"
await/dynamic Play(&m);     // dispatches the appropriate subprogram to play the media

Synchronous Control Statements

The synchronous control statements which follow cannot appear in event iterators, pool iterators, asynchronous execution, finalization, and tight code abstractions: await, spawn, emit (internal events), every, finalize, pause/if, par, par/and, par/or, and watching.

As exceptions, an every can emit internal events, and a code/tight can contain empty finalize statements.